Arts For The Schools was founded in 1984 to offer cultural performing arts concerts and performances, providing cultural learning opportunities, and access to artist excellence.  Now operating as Fox Cultural Hall, we continue this long-standing tradition to host cultural performances, classes and workshops with critically acclaimed performing artists for students and schools.  Students in grades Pre-K-12 participate in interactive performances, workshops, master classes and discussions with artists.  Musicians, dancers, actors, media and performance artists performa and teach with the goal to increase cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and open discourse.

The Performing Arts program performances, master classes and workshops are available for your classroom or school, year-round. We are excited to bring you performances again for your classroom.  Please rest assured that we have COVID-19 safety precautions in place to ensure the safety of your students.  Each educational performance will be 1 hour.  Classes, and workshops vary in length.  Participating and using the additional curriculum is recommended to increase the academic, cultural and artistic education for your students.

How Do I Sign Up?

Schools and classrooms can sign up for performances and classes at Fox Cultural Hall (recommended) or for an assembly at your school. Field trips to the hall are first sign up, first serve basis. Assemblies that travel to schools will be awarded in an equitable manner. Please be aware some productions are too complex to travel to schools, and will only be offered at Fox Cultural Hall.

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